Crash Reporting

We recommend some mechanism of Crash Reporting be integrated with your game. There are handful of tools to choose from. Here’s a list of a few that developers have successfully used in Kongregate published games.

Advanced Crash Reporting APIs

When Crashlytics is used, our SDK will take advantage of their API to report crititcal but non fatal errors that occur in our SDK. We will add similar functionality for games that use Crittercism in the near future. However, for Crittercism, the API we use is only be available at the paid tiers. The Kongregate SDK accesses these crash reporting APIs using reflection, meaning we will use them if they are found and no special integration steps are required by the game developers.

Crittercism and Crashlytics also include variations of bread crumb and user property APIs. These are useful for adding additional context to crash reports. The Kongregate SDK does not currently take direct advantage of these APIs, but may in a future SDK release. Individual games are encouraged to take full advantage of the tools made available by the Crash Reporting tool they use.