SDK v3.2.0 removes DeltaDNA. See Upgrading from 3.0/3.1 for more information.
SDK v3.1.4 Includes a fix for Adjust Uninstall and Reinstall Tracking for iOS 13
SDK v3.1.2 Includes an Adjust Upgrade with support for Uninstall and Reinstall Tracking.

The Kartridge SDK

Currently, the Kongregate Publishing SDK does not include direct integration for Kartridge. The Kartridge SDK is required for your game to integrate with Kartridge. However, the Kartridge SDK does not include the analytics tools included with the publishing SDK. To add the features of the Publishing SDK to a Kartridge game, first integrate the Kartridge SDK then follow the steps below to enable a Kartidge SDK Adapter for the Publishing SDK. The process is very similar to enabling a Steam game to use the Publishing SDK.

Enable the Kartridge SDK Adapter

The Kongregate Publishing SDK has dependencies on native Kartridge SDK methods. In order to access that functionality, it makes use of a KartridgeAdapter class. To access this class you must include the adapter in your build and initialize the StandaloneEnabled and StandaloneAdapterClass settings as described below.

UNITY: Add the KartridgeAdapter.cs file included in the Unity folder of the SDK zip to your build and set the StandaloneAdapterClass setting like so:

KongregateAPI.Settings.StandaloneEabled = true;
KongregateAPI.Settings.StandaloneAdapterClass = typeof(Kongregate.KartridgeAdapter);

AIR: Add the file included in the SDK zip to your project and set the following settings:

KongregateAPI.Settings.StandaloneEabled = true;
KongregateAPI.settings.standaloneAdapter = new KartridgeAdapter();


Authentication is handled by the Kartridge SDK. The Kongregate Panel is not needed, since Kartridge performs the authication. When the KartridgeAdapter is enabled, authentication events (e.g. KONGREGATE_EVENT_USER_CHANGED and KONGREGATE_EVENT_GAME_AUTH_CHANGED) will fired from the publishing SDK. Note: similar events are also fired from the Kartridge SDK, which you may already be handling. No need to handle them in both places.


Analytics functionality should work as normal when targeting Standalone/Kartridge builds.

Since standalone builds do not provide a bundle ID or application version, you will need to manually set two additional fields in the KongregateAPI.Settings object, as shown below:


KongregateAPI.Settings.BundleID = "<gamename>.steam";
KongregateAPI.Settings.AppVersion = "<your_app_version_string>";


KongregateAPI.settings.bundleID = "<gamename>.kartridge";
KongregateAPI.settings.appVersion = "1.0.0";


Statistics passed to the publishing SDK are passed through to the Kartridge SDK. You’ll only want to submit stats to one of the SDKs to prevent them from being reported twice.

In App Purchases

The publishing SDK does not support in-app purchases. To access this feature you must use the Kartridge SDK directly.