SDK Overview

The Kongregate Mobile SDK integrates with your mobile game to provide authentication, analytics, community features, scores, and achievements.

When implemented, the SDK will display a button which opens up a full-screen Kongregate Panel. Users can create or log in with a Kongregate account, or log in with Facebook, at which point they’ll be shown the logged-in version that allows them to submit scores, earn achievements, view the forums, and more.

For games published by Kongregate the SDK also provides credential sharing for both Android and iOS. When users log in to one game they will automatically be signed in for all Kongregate published games, which significantly lowers the barrier to entry.

Getting Started

To get started using the Kongregate Mobile SDK, you will need a few things set up on our end. Your producer should be able to provide you with the following required information:

If your game has been previously released to the App Store or Google Play without the Kongregate SDK, please see the documentation on transferring applications.

Typically, the first thing you will want to do is to get the Kongregate button displaying properly within your application, and having it open the Kongregate Panel when tapped. There are slightly different approaches to doing this for each platform which are described in the Getting Started section for each platform’s documentation:


Here are links to several games currently using the SDK: