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panelOrientationOverride — Property, class com.kongregate.air.Settings
Override orientation.
panelTransitionOverride — Property, class com.kongregate.air.Settings
Override panel transition.
persistentWebView — Property, class com.kongregate.air.Settings
Toggle persistent web view (recommended to leave enabled)
personaName — Property, interface com.kongregate.air.standalone.steam.ISteamAdapter
personaName — Property, class com.kongregate.air.standalone.steam.SteamStandaloneAdapter
platform — Property, class com.kongregate.air.KongregateAPI
The PlatformType of the current device.
platform — Property, class com.kongregate.air.standalone.BaseStandaloneAdapter
platform — Property, interface com.kongregate.air.standalone.IStandaloneAdapter
platform — Property, class com.kongregate.air.standalone.steam.SteamStandaloneAdapter
PlatformType — class, package com.kongregate.air
Enumerator for determining the client's platform.
PURCHASE_FAIL — Constant Static Property, class com.kongregate.air.KongregateAPI
Purchase response: purchase failed
PURCHASE_RECEIPT_FAIL — Constant Static Property, class com.kongregate.air.KongregateAPI
Purchase response: receipt verification failed
PURCHASE_SUCCESS — Constant Static Property, class com.kongregate.air.KongregateAPI
Purchase response: purchase success
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